An assorted array of crops to grow your wealth!
Sudharma provides a wide array of comprehensive crop profiles to prospective clients so that they may be able to assess the requirements of the crops and the conditions under which they may thrive. These detailed documents provide crop production and pest management information on a commodity basis. The extensive brochures contain technical information useful for guidance, however, they are in essence business profiles that document the crop history, latest breed information, plant population/acre, production per plan or acre per year, gestation period, difference with traditional cultivators, sale rate, revenue generation, market aspects, present status of cultivation in India and particularly in West Bengal, export potentiality etc. In essence, they contain a treasure trove of information about these crops and one can read these and gain a deep insight into the methodology for cultivation of each of these crops and how to best use them to maximize profit potential. These crop profiles have been developed over years of experience in the relevant fields by Sudharma and they contain in depth knowledge acquired from all the relevant stakeholders. In the following section we have outlined the various crop profiles that are offered right now by Sudharma. Call us or send us an email with the crop profiles that you require and we will be glad to be of service in this regard.
We provide detailed brochures on the following crops